About Us


The mission of the Muslim Community Center of Apopka is to establish a Masjid and Community Center to accommodate our Muslim families’ needs and serve the Apopka community at large. From early 2016, a group of local brothers came together, recognizing a compelling need to have a Masjid in the Apopka area. Through Allāh’s help and guidance, we were able to identify a property in the Apopka area to use as a Masjid. The property where the Masjid is currently located was selected due to its central location and the potential for future growth. By Allāh’s mercy, MCCA was able to purchase the property through a Qard al-Ḥasan loan and we are in the process of repaying that loan. The building then underwent a rapid transformation to convert from a single family home into a Muṣallá capable of meeting the immediate and near future needs of the Apopka Muslim community. Alḥamdulillāh, through Allāh’s mercy and the effort of many volunteers, we opened our doors for Jummah on the 30th of Shaʿbān 1438 (May 26, 2017).